Thursday, March 29, 2012

Apocalypse Now?

So, after watching The Colony, I've decided to put into effect a real contingency plan for a devastating apocalyptic event. I've also put together my ideal list of the people I would have. Just to put this up there, my plan will and does exist of getting to Northern Michigan, should anything major occur. I would, of course, be taking Matt with me.

My perfected trifecta would be my father for his ability to craft everything out of nothing and practical skill, my sister Jen for brawn and brains, and myself, because dammit, this is my survival plan!

On my trip to Michigan I would be collecting a few specific people to begin our new colony, based on what I've seen in the show. First off,

Ray P., Gerald B., DJ B., and Dale S. (and core family as necessary) due to them being complete powerhouses with practical knowledge.

Dino D. Jr, Josh P., and Dj D. for inventiveness and practical skill.

Laura R. for her knowledge of pharmaceuticals and a level of biology above basic. Also would be great to pair her with Janet S. for extra knowledge power.

Katie C. and Justin C. as the colony medics given their whole... being doctors and such.

Neil D. would be picked up for knowing the lay of the land and indigenous fauna, along with trapping skills.

Considering that each person would bring with them at least one other person if not more, I think that would give us a sizable colony to survive a world devastated to the point of no return. And if I named a significant other of yours, I factored them bringing you and any children!

If you do not fall into either the named, or the insinuated, I still offer an open invitation. If you can make it to Northern Michigan and survive the trek to our compound, you'll be welcomed openly. I think, all things considered, that's fair!


All seriousness though folks, it's fun to play with the ideal situation, but in the end my plan consists of getting to my father, mother and sister Jen should anything happen. Matt may or may not come with me, I wouldn't dare make him choose his family or mine. I would only choose my own path solidly.

My dad is a technical genius and my sister has enough medical knowledge and brawn to give us a fighting chance. I'd just have to hope that I could come up with some use for my mother and myself. To be honest, if I weren't me, I wouldn't have made my own list!

What's your plan?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

guest blogggggggggggggggggggggg

HI. HOLA. I am Dino. A traveler and guest blogger from the far away land of Avoid Me. Avoid Me is a dark corner of the Internet where I rant and bash whatever I fancy. Perhaps I ate some gross food. You'll know. Don't go there. Nobody does. It isn't called "Flock To Me."

I've known Jewel for a handful of years. She's married to one of my high school buddies and if she can put up with him, she can put up with me. And she does. We read each others work and now that we are at a physical crossover we decided to cross blog as well.

So loyal Jewel Rae followers, I present my piece. Hopefully as introspective and wise as one of her's.

The Roller Coaster.

When you're a teenager you're changing. Everyone around you is constantly telling you "this is just a phase" or "I can't wait till you grow out of this." At the time it makes you mad to hear that, but somewhere in the back of your mind is a tiny voice whispering "I know." You know shits hitting the fan. It's supposed to. You figure by age 20 You'll be an adult and have life all figured out. Nobody prepares you for the 3rd decades roller coaster. Pardon the Kennywood references here but if being a teenager is riding the Jackrabbit: You're 20's are jumping on the Steel Phantom.

The kind of wisdom we really need is someone to tell us at age 20 to not make any quick, permanent decisions. You won't explode or implode as rapidly as a greasy faced teenager. The disturbances are much bigger though and far more lasting.

You'll finally have a chance to vote. You probably have missed the opportunity if the election cycle didn't hit on your birthday at 18 or 19. You'll become politically charged. Someone/thing will take your new "mature" mind and whip it into a frenzy! Be it picking up roadside trash or handing out G.O.P. flyers YOU have now become the person who does this. It's not that the older folks don't care, they're just past all this lunacy and know how to actually get things done.

....not convinced?

Drinking is now a legal part of your life. Drinking more often. Drinking much more casually. The bar life. Bar pressures. Having access to whatever booze you want pretty much when you want it. If you can't control this bucking bronco fast you'll end up in fights, become an alcoholic, or give yourself a D.U.I. Suddenly your record won't magically scrub clean at 18.

Besides those examples, I've lived through the thrill ride that is quickly becoming the end of my 20's. Married, divorced, wildly political and waxing-waning religion.

That's my most interesting twist to myself. I came into my 20's completely non-religious. Due to my finance' became quickly very charged and converted to Catholic and jumped in full immersion. I argued with anybody at anytime. Brought it with me to college, work, home and friend life. Really lived the whole lifestyle for 3 years or so. Divorce affects you in weird ways. One was a burning hatred for God. I went on a complete hate fueled lifestyle and said blasphemous things. Things I regret and pray I don't burn for.

To atone I quietly became a Reverend. I keep new, more rational beliefs to myself an think I'm finally molding into the permanent person I will be.

Make no mistake. I haven't said change altogether halts now. It's obvious people continue to take in new input and grow with it. However, they've learned not to work up so fast or permanently.

If you're reading this at a younger age maybe stop to pause and ask yourself if a Ninja Turtles face tattoo is "really who you are." Ask, "Am I ready to devote my life to defending the Heroes In a Half Shell or should I get this tattoo placed somewhere else." It's a goofy example. But you probably get it.


...Never mind.

Good luck with that.