Saturday, June 5, 2010


I like asking odd questions of people. Sometimes it's "If you were a car, what would you be?" or just asking people to make up a story on the spot and tell it to me. For the record, I'd be a hot pink Mustang (GT of course).

The whirlwind of my life is finally settling down to a balmy breeze. I've always been just a little slow to adjust to great changes in my life, and I sometimes still wake up wondering if I really am still me, and how I got here. Every week I stop and take stock of how far I've come and how sturdy things are.

I realized years ago that when your life changes so vastly from either tragic or amazing events, those first few steps are shaky ones. The upheaval is the same, even if the outcomes are different. Eventually after a little while it becomes clear that solid ground is as solid as it appears, and you're able to feel a little more comfortable.

It's been six months since we threw all my stuff in Matt's trunk and moved in together. Not once have I regretted this, although I wondered if he did a couple of times. Not that he acted like it, I just wanted to be sure he wasn't feeling overwhelmed in a bad way.

Now the chapel for the wedding is booked and.. holy crap this is really going to happen! Everything I dared to let myself dream on a frigid December evening while heading back from the cabin where he proposed is coming true! It's real now, and as such, all the more exciting!

The wedding party, AH! The wedding party! A better group of people I couldn't ask for. I feel for the first time that this is how it's all supposed to be, instead of how it always just had been for me. My future in-laws always seem so happy to see me, and those people who were Matt's friends for ages don't see me as taking him away, but as joining him. And they support it! Imagine that! They don't hate me on principle!

I think I'm going to cry on my wedding day, but not for sadness at all. What an amazing concept..

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