Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Some people grow up in this world never knowing the love of a mother. They try to replace this bond and fill the void in a plethora of ways, usually resulting in some horrible travesty of the missing emotional tie. I myself am blessed not with just one stellar mother, but with a few. Over the years I have met some incredible women who have adopted me into their families and treated me as a daughter. I intend to honor the biggest players here as my tribute.

First let me start off by saying that each of these remarkable women have given me life lessons that have stuck with me over the years. Some have shown up on a blazing white horse in dark hours, and others have been on standby since the day I was born, just waiting for the single word that I need them. They have filled my life with love, been there for my ups and downs, and always wish me the best on my future, no matter what it might be.

So the biggest reason for this post today is to say thank you. I hold each of you dear, and I hope that when I have daughters of my own, be they my own flesh and blood or adopted into my family by a close bond, I can pass on a bit of you to each of them.

I will begin with Mary Trubiro. Thanks to good fortune, we were neighbors, and my mother became very good friends with Miss Mary, who had daughters my age. Without even a second's hesitation, Mary would be there if I needed her, riding to the rescue if mom couldn't be reached. Even years later as an adult, I still find myself warmly welcomed whenever I knock on her door, and a "quick stop in" becomes a much longer break over coffee that stays with me long after I have left. Her charming laugh, her great hugs, and her warm hospitality will be something I strive for as my own family grows.

Following along we have Carol Hilliker, who was not only there to chauffeur Laura and I around in our young years, but even took me on the family vacation where I still hold some of my fondest Northern Michigan memories. Always smiling and always so kind, she never once complained of my many many visits to hang out with Laura, and often played music on her piano. I can still hear the melodies from Somewhere in Time, and nothing made me happier than to see her in Civil War garb while she explained some of the quirks of life back then. Her tenderness and talent will always be with me.

Paula Perkins. Oh lord what a lady! Growing up with her sons meant we got to see a lot of her, especially on towards high school. She was the quintessential nerd mom, allowing all of us to LARP in her back yard over bonfires. I think I spent more time her in kitchen gossiping than I did actually playing. I remember her cooking dinner for my whole family while we dealt with Chris's funeral, and headbanging with her at Branden's wedding. I will always think of her affectionately as Mama Paula, and will always strive to be the fun, nerdy mom that everyone adores.

Aunt Patty, who isn't technically my aunt as she's my mother's cousin, but since when did that ever matter to me? I sadly didn't know much of her in my childhood years, beyond the stories my mom would tell us about her youth. Thanks to the miracle of social networking sites I've gotten a chance to connect with her and I can say she's more like a twin to my mother. They have the same way of talking, the great personalities that make me laugh and such big, compassionate hearts! I'm hope I'm just as compassionate with my children as she is!

My grandmothers of course warrant being listed here! Grandma Michael and Grandma Cromwell both helped so much in raising me. I still have the dolls and blankets grammie Cromwell made for me, with my "Grammie loves me" blankie still bringing a wave of peace and happiness to me. I was inseparable from it as a little girl, and one day I intend to pass it on to my babies. My gramma Michael was a constant presence in my life, living so very near. Classy, elegant and still a firecracker, she was forever trying to get me to stand up straight and taught me the importance of always having red lipstick in my purse. My grandmothers were wonderful to me, and though my gramma Michael has passed on, she's still in my heart, and will most likely be heard from again when I try to get my girls to stand up straight!

As I wind down the count down, I want to mention my future mother-in-law, Mrs. Janice Murphy. From the very first she has always thought to send me little trinkets, including my first Terrible Towel that still resides in my most special belongings. I've gotten to know her a bit, but I really hope to get to know her a lot more in the years that come and while I'm just starting to cultivate my relationship with her, she deserves a huge thank you. Without her, I would not be engaged to the most amazing man. She brought him into the world and raised him, and for that I owe her my future happiness. She's so kind and caring, always warm and hospitable and always so careful to make sure I'm taken care of while visiting. I see great things in our future as mother and daughter and I'm so thoroughly pleased how well we get along! Convention be darned, I love my future mother in law!

And finally, the Piece de Resistance, my biological mother. It's been said there is a thin line between madness and genius, and I think she crosses that on a daily basis. No one I have ever met is as crazy or as sharp as my mother. She'll do absolutely random things that drive me up a wall, and the next day when I call for answers I need to solve a problem, she's two steps ahead and it's already handled. She has her senses finely tuned into her children, and can usually find me... especially when I don't want to be found. She's amazing, she's insane, she's absolutely everything and despite my teasing her and vice versa, I know without a doubt she loves every single thing about me. Every flaw, every cell, every quirk, and she'll always be there to guide me from my heart. I got my bleeding heart and daydreaming head from her, and also my ability to try and think out side the box to figure out what I need. I owe my life to her, and if there is one ultimate compliment I can ever receive, it's that I'm just like her.

To all the women who have been a part of my life and doted on me as a daughter, either real or adopted, you all mean so much to me. I wouldn't be who I am today without your influence and guidance, and your amazing ability to thwart my attempts to get into trouble. Thank you again if you happened to cover for my being silly and young. (You know who you are.)

To all my beautiful sisters, cousins and girl friends who grew up with me and are now mother's yourselves, I think you are the most noble and amazing women. I have known most of you since middle school (and some even earlier) and I know you to be wonderful, strong and passionate girls who have made wonderful, strong and passionate mothers. I hope when it is my turn that I manage half your courage and love of family. I'm definitely taking notes.

Finally, I will wrap this up by saying that I don't need a special day to bring this up, I feel this way about you all every day. But since I have such a convenient excuse, why not take advantage! I love you all, and I keep you in my heart where I will pass down your wisdom, caring and insanity to my own children!


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