Thursday, March 29, 2012

Apocalypse Now?

So, after watching The Colony, I've decided to put into effect a real contingency plan for a devastating apocalyptic event. I've also put together my ideal list of the people I would have. Just to put this up there, my plan will and does exist of getting to Northern Michigan, should anything major occur. I would, of course, be taking Matt with me.

My perfected trifecta would be my father for his ability to craft everything out of nothing and practical skill, my sister Jen for brawn and brains, and myself, because dammit, this is my survival plan!

On my trip to Michigan I would be collecting a few specific people to begin our new colony, based on what I've seen in the show. First off,

Ray P., Gerald B., DJ B., and Dale S. (and core family as necessary) due to them being complete powerhouses with practical knowledge.

Dino D. Jr, Josh P., and Dj D. for inventiveness and practical skill.

Laura R. for her knowledge of pharmaceuticals and a level of biology above basic. Also would be great to pair her with Janet S. for extra knowledge power.

Katie C. and Justin C. as the colony medics given their whole... being doctors and such.

Neil D. would be picked up for knowing the lay of the land and indigenous fauna, along with trapping skills.

Considering that each person would bring with them at least one other person if not more, I think that would give us a sizable colony to survive a world devastated to the point of no return. And if I named a significant other of yours, I factored them bringing you and any children!

If you do not fall into either the named, or the insinuated, I still offer an open invitation. If you can make it to Northern Michigan and survive the trek to our compound, you'll be welcomed openly. I think, all things considered, that's fair!


All seriousness though folks, it's fun to play with the ideal situation, but in the end my plan consists of getting to my father, mother and sister Jen should anything happen. Matt may or may not come with me, I wouldn't dare make him choose his family or mine. I would only choose my own path solidly.

My dad is a technical genius and my sister has enough medical knowledge and brawn to give us a fighting chance. I'd just have to hope that I could come up with some use for my mother and myself. To be honest, if I weren't me, I wouldn't have made my own list!

What's your plan?

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